Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008



Posted with LifeCast

Friday, November 21, 2008

Job Offer #1 Yes nada part time sure shot

Shot it down, why? because I don't want to be a part time working making not even half of what I was making. I honestly make more off of unemployment than what he had to offer, which by the way wasn't even a for sure job. How the hell am I going to say "yes" to a job that is gonna pay me "nada" and its only "part time", and it's not even a "sure shot". Sorry but unemployment sure sounds real good right now.

hows the book

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So i looked at my horoscope today

Wednesday, November 19
Look forward to an interesting chat, discussion or phone call today. Someone shares your interest in an ambitious career search. While you don't totally see eye to eye, the two of you may be able to help each other find the kinds of opportunities you are looking for.

Suzie Loves Rolos

Posted with LifeCast

Saturday, November 15, 2008

British Bulldogs House

Posted with LifeCast

Posted with LifeCast

Chop shop

What a long boring week & it's only the last day of it.

So yesterday I didn't do much surprising on a Friday. Didn't drink or even reach downtown. On top of that the Lakers lost. Can't win em all. Anyways.. the night ended in 4 of us guys decided to go watch "Quantum of solace" which I recommend. I didn't get to see "Casino Royale" but I heard it was really good so I guess "QoS" was worth a look. Wish this was out at the time of Quarantine,(by the way I don't recommend you check out unless you are a veterinarian), that would've been good. So we all ended up hungry after the end of the movie and so yeah we went to IHOP... I had 3 pancakes that was all..

So "Quantum of Solace" I'll give it a 4/5.
Why? because I haven't seen a bond movie since Tomorrow never dies.

Oh yeah don't ever go to a midnight showing at Mercado. Especially if it's a movie that has a lot of technology.

Hopefully the week ends on something koo..

Friday, November 14, 2008


microphone check

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"It never rains, it only pours",

Regardless of how light or strong the rain is, the damage is demoralizing the future generations.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vodka Grove

So I took a stroll where I've never been before.. "Where gangsta's and ballers take over the show.."

Pacific Grove
For those who don't know where that is, it's located inside Monterey.. Since the weather was real crappy today it didn't look totally like that picture. I worked on the roof all day and it looked a little like this

Oh yeah, today I became a first time voter..

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote however you like

So i'll be voting for the first time tomorrow..

If Pharrell can do it..

Hey if Pharrell can wait 3 hours in line to vote, you can too..

Sunday, November 2, 2008