Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For-

You Just might Get It

Everyone knows how bad I want to travel. I've been out of the state of Califa.. a few times, Nevada, Hawaii, Florida, Philippines, & the Bahamas. I'd love to see the world and even more. But this one is a little far-fetched.

Minutes ago my dad approached me telling me that my uncle in Florida is gonna move here. He then says. "There's no jobs in Florida for him, He wants to move here to find a job".

He then tells me, You're gonna fly to Florida to help him pack, and then you and him will drive back from Florida (to San Jose). My dad told me he would do it, but he's sure he'll get lost.

I honestly don't know what to think of it.

I May-
  • Get to leave Califa. to see Florida
  • Do what most people have not, go cross country
  • See other states along the way, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisana, Mississippi, Alabama, & Georgia.
  • Maybe see my cousin that lives in Texas. ( I haven't seen her since the 2nd grade)
I'm not gonna like-
  • The drive (3000+miles & take about a week to do.)
  • Away from the Homies

My uncle is certain he's gonna move here. The only thing that isn't sure is the date, and If my dad will go with me. This will be a great experience for me while i'm temporarily unemployed.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Snow Hoe

First Family Trip of The Year

Objective.: My cousin Brandons going away party before he leaves for the Navy
Location.: Truckee

So over the weekend I took a trip up to the snow with some family and friends to Truckee, and I had a ton of fun. The first time I went snowboarding I sucked, didn't know how to stop or turn. So this time I put in more effort to learn.
Outcome.: A complete turn around, I now have the confidence to go down any hill.

The trip turned out great, no problems, no issues. Just lots of fun and we only just begun.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chúc Mừng Năm Mới

Anyways.. Happy new years you filthy animals. What a drive back from the city. Me Jory and Justin felt like we were on a world wide tour. Ok we only stopped at Lucky Chances to grab something to eat, but the whole ride home was a long drag. So let's map it out

Anyways.. Have a Safe and Great New Years... 2009 you bastards
