Monday, March 31, 2008

The Dark..

To summarize, basically there’s a parking lot near Stadium station where they put this Banksy imitation up to intimidate car thieves, and a local “street” artist called The Dark decided to go over it. Not because he supports car theft obviously - here’s a brief explanation he provided:

The Vancouver Police Department has been using graffiti inspired stencils in a fear-mongering campaign against car theft. Given the aggressive graffiti paint out program run by the City and the VPD it seemed like a bit of a contradiction to use “crime” (graffiti) to fight crime. The only thing left was to follow their outstanding example.” - The Dark

Some of The Dark’s work for those who aren’t familiar:

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Go on bitch!!

Shout outs to Jade from ANTM6

I know it's up for me

if you steal my sunshine
making sure i'm not in too deep
if you steal my sunshine
keeping versed and on my feet
if you steal my sunshine

no sunshine for me

Best Intro

not a Boston fan.. but the intro is pretty fucking dope

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Friday, March 28, 2008

The words from a Patriot

"...Every single time I ask myself and God, "why"? I have realized that God has always chosen to take the people that he feels have served their purpose in life and are living life with no worries. At times I question it because I feel that my life is filled with struggle and strife but I'm learning that this is just God's way of life. He's waiting until I've served my purpose and done good all around me. I live my life learning something new everyday trying to love deep and love with all my heart. And now God is giving me a blessing to live for."

-Monster.. hope you don't mind

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Black Ass Tea

Sweetened..? the fuck

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bernard Profeta Jr.

Never goodbye...
It's see you later..


big shout outs to anyone and everyone that's lost someone...


Never goodbye...
It's see you later..

Monday, March 24, 2008

What can I say?

Welcome to the Lake show!!

to the fly girl in front of me.. i said sorry for yelling out boring.. but then you kept running your mouth..





on a side note.. i was tellin' a few of my friends..
If Lebron wins league MVP.. i will stop hating the warriors forever, and direct my hate towards the Cavs...

It makes me sick hearing he is even considered for MVP.. his team is 4th in the EAST.. the garbage ass east.. if you consider him a candidate then you have to consider Dwight Howard, Chris Paul is way more deserving than Lebron..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

In order to dance the Bamba, A little humor is needed

so watching the Spurs game.. they played this during the cutaway..

anyways.. happy easter

Saturday, March 22, 2008

This doesnt make sense

so for the past.. who knows.. i havent gone out... ive been chillin' at home either sick.. tired.. or bakin cakes... i guess it's good because i'm saving money by not drinking.. or eatin sushi.. well today i get to see the sun rising off the shores of thailand.. jp.. capitola beach.. i would have rather gone to carmel.. but what're you gonna do..? mmm.. lots of stuff comin up.. i get to see the lakers win.. oh so yeah the winner of the contest of my laker warriors sweepstakes.. is my DAD.. so.. catch me with my dad at the game.. Laker'ing it up..busy months ahead... bdays.. partys.. weddings.. Oh my...

oh yeah on a side note.. i might be moving to SF.. not anytime soon.. not 100% sure.. but if all else works and falls into place.. looks like i'll be seeing the lights go down in the city by the bay... shout outs to journey.. but why you might ask... well my bosss is looking to put someone into Local 38 which is in sf.. that means i gotta go school in san francisco.. and work in san francisco.. waht does that mean to you? nothing.. waht does it mean to me? a whole lot.. i get Bread that is actually buttered.. i get to collect vacation money(sort of like a bonus) which is 5 grand every 5 months.. enough bragging..

anything else new? yeah I'm FULLLLLLLLL

muzac time..
What’s up with everyone being from Chicago nowadays? They have Kanye, Twista, Do Or Die, Lupe Fiasco…RKelly, and - okay, I admit, I can’t really name anyone else. Still, they have their own thing going on - maybe not compared to New York, L.A., and the South, but they definitely have a solid music scene. Even non-mainstream artists like The Cool Kids and Kid Sister get their fair share of shine, So it is only fair i put another "Kid" on it.. the "KIDZ IN THE HALL".. They don't have a full vid yet to this song.. but here's a preview..

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Darkhorse

Vince Carter, Gilbert Arenas, Antawn Jamison, Chris Webber, Earl Boykins, the list goes on and on.. but you leave the warriors.. and you are guaranteed to be a better player... who do we have up next...? I give you Eduardo Najera

Dey Know

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Heeby Jeebies

so for the past week.. ive been sick... i think my immune system failed.. i havent even gone out this whole week.. so yeah.. i guess i just got stressed from something...


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chomp Ch. Chomp

16 hours of work today.. then comes the weekend.. then comes you know

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I thought I'd win the spelling Bee,
and get right to the top
but when I started to spell Banana
I didn't know when to stop

Monday, March 10, 2008


Let's go to sleep in Paris,
And wake up in Tokyo.
Have a dream in New Orleans,
Fall in love in Chicago,
Then we can land in the motherland,
Camelback across the desert sand.
Take a train, to Rome, or home,
Brasil, forreal.
Wherever I go she goes.
Wherever I go she goes.

So i didnt' make the first

But I made sure i made the 2nd.. happy belated bday Shirene the machine

so i stole the pictures off of your page

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cruise to Santa Cruz

so after party hopping last night.. Me, Millare, & Tran started to head back to San jose.. we ended up taking the wrong road.. and ended up on the "Old santa cruz Highway.. I'll tell you think i aint ever gonna go through there again.. if youve never been there.. it's maybe a long stretch of winding roads with minimal lights.. and the truth is i was freaked out because ive never been there.. and my 2 homies were kinda ehh about the road.. so dont ever take that road.. at 3 in the morning.. looks pretty scary..

On a side note

maybe soon

Friday, March 7, 2008

Just Watch

Not a Kanye Fan.. but thought this was dope..

Slava A Banana

so for the past weeks.. ive been receiving packages in the mail of stuff ive ordered of course.. from tickets to handlebars to Bananas.. haha..

i love it.. so anyways.. anyone still wanna go to the Laker warrior game with me.. let me know wasup.. lower level yo...

anyways.. i finally get to take a break from working in Brentwood (hour and half drive from where i live) for the next week.. you can catch me at the costco by my house.. on hostetter.. Grindin'...

well the weekend begins.. time to start bottle poppin'..

Shout outs to the Portuguese in the east bay

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Alba x Rihanna

"I know! they're getting so big"

on a side note.. Rihanna.. Fire your stylist...

Guess who's going on tour to help promote Crocs...

WTF!? i just dont get it.. how is he gonna push these things?

The Flyest colors coming out..
"Camo Crocs"
"Black on Black Crocs"
"Blunt Brown Crocs"

Well here is a fab song..

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


10G's .. im goin for it

Monday, March 3, 2008

Salivating likes wolves



Shout outs to the Bomb $hell crew

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Don't wake me up if i'm dreamin'

so seeing that the weather is starting to look clear for the time being we all should start planning trips to the beach before april showers comes through..

Bonus video. for those who remember shout outs to you...

Hall Of Famer?

Is Robert Horry A Hall Of Famer?


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Killer crossover

for those of you who didn't know.. My crossover is so bad.. i'll probably end up kilin' myself in the process.. yeah i suck at basketball.. so bad.. i can't dribble.. shoot.. or even pass the ball.. i don't know why.. my momma is better than me.. i am 100% sure i can't beat anyone over 4ft tall..

i watch the game.. and love it.. but don't play it..


"he's a basketball player right...? he's just doing what he does.. Getting the rebound"
Shout outs to B-real

(i got bunches of metaphors i'll just keep em to myself.. haa)