Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Manic Mondays

well sort of.. From Cali to Applebees, Cali to Wal Mart, Starbucks to Cali, Cali To Edgies, Edgies to the East Side.. Who has the case of the mondays? I do...

So my friends told me Jupiter and Venus were in conjunction with each other

"Some historians believe a similar conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in 2 BC may be the source of the star of Bethlehem story in the Bible."

but whatever.. anyways.. The two together with a crescent moon make a happy face in the sky.. It happened a long time ago.. Someday one day it will happen again.. the year 2052 to be exact.... so dont think you missed out entirely if you didn't see it..


Anonymous said...

i'll meet you at the lake again in 50 years.

Anonymous said...

meet who?

.."the list" is still in effect. BESAAAA!

Anonymous said...

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