Friday, October 24, 2008

Young L

Some say this man, is the greatest man..

So my dad was always against us having a dog inside the house, which I had no problem with.

My dad said to me randomly one day.. "I want a grandson so I can take him fishing". With my sisters new dog I can tell my dad wants me to have a kid.. Yeah sounds crazy, this isn't the economy for any extra baggage right now. My dad treats the little dog like I'm guessing would be his future grandson. He takes him almost everywhere, he lets the dog sleeps with him, and he can't leave him alone for a bit. Lets rewind. I have a dog myself, he's 12 maybe 13 years old. He sleeps outside and thats pretty much it. My sisters Puppy gets the royal treatment. My dad talks to him well he talks to all the pets, but he has conversations and sings to him, he takes him on walks, (my dog rarely gets walked). anyways..

Don't worry I dont have plans on having a kid anytime soon.. and don't get any ideas..

I have no idea why i posted this.. i just felt like i should share..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i was thinking about this like crazy today... so it's crazy that you blogged about this today. like you used to say... "crazy people think alike.."

-ooga booga