Sunday, December 16, 2007

Feelin' It

gettin' real close to the feelin', went shoppin got some stuff, gonna return some stuff, bought some useless things... but its something to keep me out my room.. anyways.. hung out with viet.. got food, shopped and chilled... tomorrow or today i guess.. im gonna try and do something i havent done on my own.. no promises but i will try... mmm.. for sure though on christmas i will.. but yeah back to the feeling.. had fun shoppin today.. put on that mariah christmas cd and sang along..

anyways... forgot to mention this.. but the other day when i went to valley fair i took the backroads goin home.. didnt wanna deal with the stevens creek traffic.. so i ended up at this place ive been before... and wow.. i know i couldve just went on past it.. but i wanted to get myself in the mood.. so i take a stroll where i know not many have never been before.. and i had to take a picture.. but no real cam.. so i think i'll go back tomorrow and take some pictures... believe me if you saw it youd like it... i guess only one person would know what i'm talkin about.. anyways... i take back what i told my dad about stuff... i think about it now at this moment.. and my holiday spirit is in full effect..

so yeah Your Cover 2 is blown.. Cover 2 has holes, you just gotta find it... i know i did.. haha wow im good..

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