Friday, December 7, 2007

The longest night

So i had one of the longest day at work, i figured the rain wouldn't bother me so much because i'll be doing all indoor work, was i wrong...

-i started work at 9pm thurs
-Hard rain in the eastbay
-some dumbshit cut all the control wires for the refrigerators
-we had to fix em that night
-didnt know how to do it
-finally figured it out
-had to work with live wires
-gettin' hungry
-so many things to fix
-finally finished all the door frame heaters and fans
-had to clean the fucking mess from the condensate
-coworker breaks the automatic door
-we have to fix it
-get that out of the way
-i lock my keys in my car
-it starts pouring rain like a mother fucker
-i finally pick the lock and get my keys out
-we gotta get tons of model and serial numbers
-finally wrap it all up
-head home
-i start seeing traffic
-its fucking 8am friday
-get home and try to sleep

now its 330 i got alot to do

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