Saturday, February 2, 2008

Paper Cut-HoroScope

dam horoscope you never fail me.. so today i was sick.. and tried something new a couple of hours ago.. then a few mins ago and i checked Virgo spot

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

You may harbor unconventional beliefs about your health these days that encourage you to examine alternatives outside the mainstream. Your imagination is especially powerful now, so if you think an unusual remedy will be effective, it will probably work. Whether you are attracted to acupuncture, flower remedies or yoga, don't expect too much too fast.

Horoscope.. you are my 2nd online friend

1 comment:

Cheydhabits. said...

Lakers don't need another good player.. geez. Have fun tonight, I'm leavin right now. Take that Saki bomb like G. (: Later JL.