Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Splashin' it out

Michelle Cunanan however its spelled.. happy birthday

what you get? SPlash Splash ... Splash MuhFuka

so i'm doing good on keeping my limit on drinking.. i feel i'm able to cut myself off when i want to... last night 1 drink .. but i think i ended up buying 5 total.. so i needa work on buying drinks for people.. i needa stop that shit.. unless it's your bday.. or i really wanna..

so yeah 3 years.. i can do it..

mmm my ass aint sore no mo.. not the gay shit.. from falling on the snow so many dam times.....

the rain is coming in.. so i here is a song about rain..

Oh yeah My Horror-SCOPE

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

As the Sun moves through your 7th House of Others in the next month, you would benefit from taking time to look back before moving forward. Remember what you've accomplished since your last birthday and review what's slipped through the cracks. Creating goals for the balance of your year can be essential to your happiness. You can make anything happen if you focus your mind and then work hard to reach your goal.

-word yo

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