Sunday, June 15, 2008

Drums Please

Summer summer summertime... School is out and it's sort of a buzz..

ok i finished all school last fall and working isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I'd like to welcome Frank, Ashley, Ana, Jason, Greg, Kelly, Vietnam and whomever I may have forgotten that have finished all of school. Now you can join the work force with me..

I remember when i coming close to graduation and thinking FUCK i just want to work now so i dont have to go school anymore.. When really, I'm wishing all I could do now is finish homework..

I was talking to my friend a couple of weeks ago and she told me she had an epiphany, telling me that she wants to go back to school, and i feel the same way. I didn't really have the ideal college life when i was going to school. i always had a Friday class so I couldnt go out late on Thurs night and sleep in on fridays. That wasn't the case for me. I was able to start my career while i was in school. So from Monday to friday i would work 5am to 5pm and go to school right after from 6pm to 10pm. I would already be burnt out from work and yet i still had homework, tests, labs, and bullshit to deal with. It really was to the point in which my family wouldn't see me on the weekdays; I'd leave before anyone would wake up and I'd come home when everyone was asleep. The only time someone would see me is if my dad woke up late at night and looked in my room to check if i made it home. My weekends were also the times when my family would see me well most of the time. While trying to balance school and work.. i also had a girlfriend at the time. we all know how that turned out.

anyways.. big shout outs to the class of 2008.

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