Friday, June 6, 2008

Fried Day

what a day.. so lets just create a list
  1. Wake up
  2. head to saratoga
  3. got all the way to saratoga ave. and realized i forgot my cell phone
  4. went back home
  5. called my co-worker and he needed a lift (his van was being worked on)
  6. picked up some parts for the job
  7. went to pick up my co worker in blossom hill
  8. went to saratoga
  9. worked for 5 hours there on the roof
  10. went to lunch and had a 12 inch steak and cheese sandwich
  11. went to sunnyvale for another job
  12. ran into a child molester who kept on asking weird questions
  13. went on the roof and got confronted by some yellow jackets
  14. bought a yellow jacket spray
  15. went back to work and got to the last unit and co worker dropped the disconnect open and BOOM a whole yellow jackets next falls down and swarms us.
  16. run across the roof in circles
  17. keep on running
  18. shoot down the 30ft ladder.
  19. dropped off my co worker to get his work van
  20. Call it a work day..
Thats why i get paid the Big bucks.. Just cause it's friday doesnt make it a Freeday.. Fridays have there ways in Fucking us. never goes easy..

anyways.. whats hood people? happy birthday to all the June poons..

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