Wednesday, June 4, 2008

What would I pay, to spend a day

warm on the sand..?

so another day back in service, oh i don't know if i mentioned it but i went back to the service dept. so what does that mean? means i'll be traveling again.. from Union city.. down to King city for those of you who don't know how big my area is.. take a look

so pretty much cover the greater area of Cali.. so i guess this is venting number 2.. After dinner with my friend last night we talked about vacations and stuff.. how i want to go to vegas, and disneyland. but thats not happening for a long while.. either because i'm so busy with work or nobody to go with.. anyways.. working on the roof today and frustration kicked in. The heat got to me and i got smothered.. I really want to go to the beach. I got to go to the beach earlier this year.. but the weather wasn't right.. i still have yet to do a lot.. i want to go to Carmel.. i havent been to san francisco in a long time oh yeah i went once.. but it was on accident.. i was supposed to drive to Richmond for work, and i took the wrong turn and ended up going over the bay bridge..Dwam.. I haven't traveled.. as much as i want to, i have no plans to do so... Someone take me somewhere, anywhere.. from San Francisco. to Los Angelees.. or to even just around San Jose. I'll put it like this..

Oatmeal is better than No Meal

bonus.. throwback picture.. carmel


charmaine adrina said...

121926 was a no go.. hello party foul.

annaliza said...

dang that sucks. it's hella far.