Thursday, January 31, 2008

One of mans Puzzling questions

so on my way to work.. i was thinking this..

Who slams Harder?

Onyx Or Vince Carter

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down on your face
And I...

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Just cause they gave a shout out to the Philippines

woke up real sick
went to work
got a haircut
vietnam boy met up with me
went to mccarthy
went to eat some pho
went home
jumped on the moto
drinkin' tea



dam he's real good with his hands

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Got a new toy

yup.. it has 2 wheels. but i don't do any pedaling

shout outs to the birdman.. and weezy..


Shout outs

I'm from New york.. New York...
Shout outs to Jello L-O.. They know they know.. and everyone else i seen today..

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Did i miss something in my Horoscopes?

So i'm on a roll... first month of the year.. and i got one of my resolutions done, sort of.. it's kinda offsetting/upsetting.

it looks like I have another one in my possession..

"You know how you meet someone and everything changes just like that? "
"Suddenly the world comes together. You know what you've been missing all your life. " -Prince Eric

i take what's given to me, accept not only the truth but the facts..

Different, but ironic

Friday, January 25, 2008


support em. Fasho.. holdin' it down circa 04/05
Maybe you have no idea what I'm talking about.

(Told Jello Ello my opening statement..)

"All I could say is what could've been."


Mother fukin' tired

-first off.. shout outs to the lil boy Semaj.. congrats on the trabajo.. PUTO..

-ridin' on 4 hours of sleep... came back from Antioch never.. been there.. fukin' scary in the purple rain..

-shout outs to the knockout kings going round after round last night.. glad everyone is safe..

-feelin' like shit.. made it to work on time.. got so much shit to do tonight..

-Guess i can wear my rain boots.. Going international.. ya heard?

-You Gutted.. ballin' on a budget..

-I know you're sayin' somethin'.. I can't hear you, you're talkin' out the side of yo neck

Thursday, January 24, 2008

NIGGER!! news

so if you didn't know.. well you probably don't.. but Def Jam is tryna drop Nas off there label.. why? because there is controversy with his new album coming out entitled "NIGGER".. he doesnt wanna change the titile.. remember i was telling you guys Jello Ello.. and Justin Rambo..

anyways.. in other news.. the dude Richard Branson.. owner of virgin records, and virgin mobile, virgin books.. dude is even fukin' virgins.. i guess made it now public to anyone that got $200,000 to be able to take a trip to space in his own airplane.. i forgot what it's called.. google that shit if you want.. anyways.. i believe the waiting list already has 100 people on it.. so if you and your homies got $200,000 and wanna get it poppin' on mars or whatever the fuck.. go to and book your flight...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

¿Como Esta Puto?

Word, i just worked the night shift.. feelin' kinda hungry..


I'm too lazy to do all that bullshit with the horror-SCOPE

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

Although you will likely receive the emotional support you seek, there could be a darker side to the offer. You won't be satisfied unless others love you without expecting anything in return. But now there are secret agendas and hidden clauses in the unspoken agreements. Be vigilant; bring as much out into the open as you can before getting in over your head.

Guess i gotta watch the crotch

Aight check out the American IRONMAN

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Work Hard Spend Harder

So i started work 9pm monday night..
and i just got home at 9am tuesday morning...
and i'm up? the fuck?

Im stuntin'.. call me super dave, super dave..

shout outs to Remy ma's lesbian lover.. haha

anyways.. lets find a rain song...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Don't ever let 'em tell you that you'll never need me

B2k is gangsta like that?

Start watching at 2:25

Dam i guess the song Bump bump bump.. was about an AK47.. haha..

anyways... so here is my day.. its bullshit..

woke up at somethin around 5
left my house at 6
headed to brentwood
was feelin' tired so i stopped at a gas station
got Hot chocolate, those 5 hour energy drinks, and some fun yuns
made my way to brentwood...
jumped on vasco
Co worker calls me and reminds me we're working at night
so i bust a bitch on "Los vaqueros piece of shit"
started to head home after an hour of driving no where
co worker calls me again and asks me to pick up parts...
i get em..
i bounce..
i get some new tools for work
i get em
i bounce.
I'm home.. with a fucked up hand... what a day.. what a day..
i should be sleeping.. but that stupid energy drink got me amped... i think i'ma ride my bike.. before the rain comes... aight fasho fasho..

"Well here is the song of the day.. i know the warriors play today.. so here is a shout out to them..
GO LAKERS (sorry CH.MA. but lakers gonna kill the nugga's)"

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Check the TEchnique

my chargers

Capisce, Release!!

i fuckin hurt my wrist from bike riding.. gotta get a brace for it.. so yeah.. mm.. i ended up not going out last night.. i slept at 930.. i think it was.. haha but yeah woke up feeling good.. i guess 8 hours of sleep is really good for you.. anyways.. today.. im gonna watch my chargers march to the Lombardi Trophy .. and maybe go bike riding for a bit.. aight well



Saturday, January 19, 2008

illegal he said

so i went to get my tint ticket signed off.. and when i was about done.. he saw my frames for my eye glasses and he said. you better watch out with those, and he pointed at my temple.. he said that they have to be less than a certain size or you can be cited.. but he also said he doesnt care about that crap.. but other boys in blue can and will cite you... so yeah.. dont wear big frame glasses or youll be cited...



Dyno's with the black mag..

so woke up feelin' like.. Yeee.. ok like shit.. i had to cement a fukin' walk way in my back yard.. yeah.. 60hours of work aint enough so i needa work on my days off for free.. anyways.. decided today is a good day to ride Grimace(my bike) so ima get some more parts for my bike, first things first.. need reflectors, blinkers,, pegs and some skates..

im tryna hit up bralion the stallion so he can get some brakes on his shit.. aight.. well i'ma get lost on the slide on the ave. bein fly while i ride

oh yeah my recap of the other night..

Left house at 8
hit up new trishas hows.. with the vietnam gangsta..
took a stroll up heartbreak hill with big L
went cross country downtown
"here she comes here comes speed racer"
made our way to the high-rize
Cup-a-Joe with Iron Mike tyson
Headed home..
Talked to the warriors number one fan.
Went on 11th
Took a shot with Mr. Aloha himself.. i think the last time i took a shot with him i got my DUI
Finally Shook..
got home at ("rule babbbyyyyy..." -ja'rule) Three-Three-six..
aight well Aloha wendell maybe spring break

Friday, January 18, 2008

I shall do the same

saw it on another.. so imma do the same..

Friday, January 18, 2008
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)

You may be stressed as you attempt to balance your responsibilities at work with your need to be with friends and family. You want to be more social with your coworkers, but it may not be appropriate to step over certain formal boundaries. Even if there are big things happening in your private life, keep them to yourself a while longer.

shout outs to Big Lou..

New Sheriff in town

Shout outs to Big L

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Computer Love

Shout outs to roger and zapp..

anyways... Me, Justin rambo, Jello ello eh ehh, and Petey T... went on a world wide tour.. ended up at D&B's met up with everyone.. went home.. and yeah... aight.. EYE, EN, DEE, EE, PEE, EE, EN, DEE, EE, EN, SEE, EE.. yup go sixers..

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What would I give if I could live out of these waters?

What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?
Memories fade,

Strange how they blur

But when she calls to me
I'll know it's her

Tired of the fog.. i wanna go to the beach again...
(if you must ask.. it is carmel

Ok so it goes

They want you to think like what you ain't like and then they want you to love what you can't like.

Imma let you sit on the edge for that one

Monday, January 14, 2008

Dirty Pump Rounds and Stomp Grounds where Lions Dwell

Old picture but my hands are actually dirtier than this.. so Brentwood for the next 2 months.. or three.. anyways.. woke up and drove... and What.. THe ... FUH? yeah the FOg was horrible.. ive never been caught up in fog that bad in my life... i couldnt see 10feet in front of my car.. and if youve ever been on vasco road you would know how scary that shit is..

this is it on a clear day (actual picture on vasco road)

and this is how heavy the fog was (real picture of fog) anyways.. yeah didnt know if i was going uphill or down, left or right.. i had my GPS to show me which was the road was turning... i got to the safeway.. and did my shit... i ended up dirtier than shit.. but yeah gotta finish it tomorrow... gave jello a call.. told me some bad news... dude out for 8weeks... other than that.. he's sick.. gave him some tips and tricks.. should work out fine for him.. mmm... got a call from Mr. 831 himself.. told me the master plan.. changed the name to chris.. dont know why..

so yeah... i threw away one of my bikes... feels good actually.. now it's time to go international.. ya heard?

oh yeah cant forget the song of the day.. heard this on Sirius Chill

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Homeboy I thought u knew

Friday, January 11, 2008

Peep game

so you wanna see my grad pictures... here ya go (click to enlarge)

ok it's only one.. but.. if you go to my myspace.. ( you can see the rest of the 7 pictures i think.. but there is more to come.. just gotta get it from my other cousins... so as mentioned to another person.. I am 4 years out of highschool.. and ya know it feels good to be done with school... but i got 5 more years of the apprenticeship program.. but the good thing is every 6 months i get a fat raise..

dam my knee is bummed... working hard spendin harder.. well i wont be working in hayward for the next 2 months.. i'll be commuting to brentwood for the next 2... so yeah.. for those who dont know where its at.. here is a map(click to enlarge)
yeah it's over an hour away everyday...

let's see.. dont think i'll be on here for the weekend.. so lets.. tell the future.. tomorrow is my cousins grandmas bday.. so i'll be partying there.. and dinner with a friend or lunch i guess.. or whatever is in between lunch and dinner... DUNCH?.. so yeah... rain rain go away.. umm... here's the new jam of the day...

Thursday, January 10, 2008


yup.. i'll be workin (5) - 10 hours shifts for the next 2 months.. what does that mean to me..? Workin' harder, spendin' harder.. what does that mean to you...? Means i'm stuntin' on you...

so anyways.. for those who really care... I FINALLY HAD MY GRADUATION CEREMONY.. yup.. officially done with school.. except for the paying the 25k back... anyways... what have i been doing? i dont know yet.. i got this book today that jello is doin' so i'm gonna try and do it.. wait.. i will do it... dont really feel like typing anymore.. so here is the song of the day

Shout outs to Pac

Monday, January 7, 2008

Broken Starr

Couldn't travel far

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Ice Man

so i like to entertain everyone about ice machines tellin' em how dirty the ice machine is at Dave and Dumpsters... so here is a preview of what the inside of an ice machine looks like... so you people who like to eat ice.. haha

Don't worry about dave and busters i cleaned it 4months ago. so it needs to be done every 2.. haha

Retirement (video dump)

so after watching everyone play countless hours of rockband.. came across this online.. i guess last night was the last night of rock band.... time to retire

Dui Test

Truely Outrageous

so pulled an all nighters didn't sleep at all, but yeah... shit happens people are safe, it's hurricane season people please be careful out there..

side note, i actually remember this cartoon..

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Friday, January 4, 2008

HAHA inside joke

shout outs to In & Out factory

You can call me Sluricane

so today had work at 6 today.. and FUCK wind was blowing, rain was pouring.. bullshit how they make us park across the street.. so anyways..

they call these things Hurricanes in Florida

guess i can wear my rain boots today

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Rain rain go away

woke up feelin' like yee!!.. jp.. like shit... sore throat.. aches..

started work getting parts, started working again in hayward. Found out today that i'll be in brentwood next week doin the controls for the safeway.. yay for work.. anyways, it started to rain, then pour.. i got soakin wet and on the way home decided to get a haircut and pick up some airborne. got my fade at a different place.. only cost me 11dollars.. so yeah its all g double O, D good good.. mmm.. well my friends wanna go out tonight.. i most likely will but it depends on how i'm feeling. i got work at 6.. so yeah.. gotta start grindin'

**heard this coldplay song today it got real familiar**

shout outs to losing things you can't replace

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Guess he aint so $licc after all... haha..... think you know what im talkin' about? you probably do now... lets just say i know someone that knows someone.. this aint the first time huh...

-shout outs to the federation
-shout outs to the 209

Saved twice?

so yeah.. got in a car accident today in my work van... fuckin scary... but everything is good except for the front of my van... shittin' boulders... ima sleep early tonight

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


-Be single, that's easy
-Get into 467
-90.7184 keys
-394,100.00 INR in the savings
-Contact wLTZ
-Make a bike trip around downtown
-Score 3 TD's. (2 rushing 1 receiving)