Thursday, January 10, 2008


yup.. i'll be workin (5) - 10 hours shifts for the next 2 months.. what does that mean to me..? Workin' harder, spendin' harder.. what does that mean to you...? Means i'm stuntin' on you...

so anyways.. for those who really care... I FINALLY HAD MY GRADUATION CEREMONY.. yup.. officially done with school.. except for the paying the 25k back... anyways... what have i been doing? i dont know yet.. i got this book today that jello is doin' so i'm gonna try and do it.. wait.. i will do it... dont really feel like typing anymore.. so here is the song of the day

Shout outs to Pac

1 comment:

Cheydhabits. said...

Congrats on your graduation.. my turn next! But that'll take 4 more years, hahah.