Sunday, January 27, 2008

Shout outs to the New YORK KNICKS

warriors go suck a dick


virg said...

umm.. warriors won homie..

but the lakers and spurs lost this weekend! what up with that?

Cheydhabits. said...

Thanks for actually reading my daily rants. (: I read yours too, honestly. But too bad half the time, I never know what you're talking about.. haha.

Anyhooots. Your Lakers lost, and stupid Warriors won. And Melo's been MIA for the 4th time today! This shit ain't coo. But it's okay I guess, coz they played New Orleans.. and I'm a Hornet's fan, too. Our teams needa step up their game.. Pronto!

So it did rain today, I was lookin for classes in the rain. -.- I didn't wanna wear my rainboots because I don't wanna get them duuurty. (I know I know.. it defeats the whole purpose.)

And I didn't have any idea what you meant when you said I can weather the storm.. haha. Elaborate for me, homie!